Study Guide

# Question Image
1 You must yield the right-of-way to:

2 How can you give way to an emergency vehicle?

3 To which side should you move if an emergency vehicle is approaching with its siren on?

4 Which vehicles use flashing green lights?

5 What is a safe distance to maintain from an emergency vehicle? Emergency & Challenging Situations - What is a safe distance to maintain from an emergency vehicle?
6 How is oncoming traffic warned of a blocked or narrow lane ahead?

7 What should a vehicle driver do when they see flashing lights from emergency vehicles ahead?

8 What should you do in case of a narrow or blocked road ahead?

9 What should you be aware of when approaching a blocked or narrow road?

10 Which services respond to highway incidents?

11 What is the ideal speed when passing an emergency vehicle or tow truck with its flashing lights on?

12 Does the law of reducing speed to 60 km/h apply to all lanes on the road?

13 How will you secure the scene of a collision?

14 What should you keep in mind if you have to notify the police or emergency medical services about a collision?

15 What should you do if you are involved in a collision?

16 What sort of information should you exchange if you are in a collision?

17 Under what circumstances should you notify law enforcement about a collision?

18 What should you do if you damage any public property and the damages are less than $2,000?

19 If you collide with an unattended vehicle, what should you do?

20 How can you reduce the chance of a collision with an animal?

21 At what time are the animals more active?

22 How can you detect an animal's presence on the road?

23 What should you do if an animal suddenly appears in front of your vehicle?

24 What are some of the emergency supplies that you should have in your car at all times?

25 How can you make sure to drive carefully when the road conditions are poor?

26 When should you turn on your vehicle's headlights?

27 When should low-beam headlights be used?

28 How should you handle oncoming headlights when driving at night?

29 What is the appropriate speed to drive at night?

30 What can affect your vision while driving, both during the day and at night?

31 What should you do if the glare makes it difficult to see the road ahead?

32 Which headlights should you use when driving in smoke or fog?

33 Why should you use low beams when driving in smoke or fog?

34 What should you do if a safe place to park is unavailable on the road and there is heavy fog or smoke?

35 __________________ is caused by moisture freezing on the road surface.

36 How can you identify and avoid black ice if you can’t see it clearly?

37 What road surface conditions can affect traction?

38 Which headlights should you use when it is raining?

39 When should you use your low-beam headlights while following another vehicle? Emergency & Challenging Situations - When should you use your low-beam headlights while following another vehicle?
40 When should you use your low-beam headlights for oncoming vehicles? Emergency & Challenging Situations - When should you use your low-beam headlights for oncoming vehicles?
41 How can sprayed water and mud affect your driving when it is raining?

42 Hydroplaning occurs when the tires:

43 What should you do if you lose control of your vehicle during rain?

44 When should you use cruise control in poor weather and road conditions?

45 What should you do if you are stranded off the highway but in a safe place?

46 Should you close all windows while stranded in a car with the engine running?

47 What are some essential winter emergency supplies to carry in your vehicle?

48 Why should you ensure air circulation in the vehicle while you are stranded and the engine is running?

49 Where should you avoid stopping your vehicle if you are experiencing mechanical problems?

50 What should you do if your car breaks down in a potentially dangerous location?

51 When should you carry reflective triangles?

52 Where should you place reflective triangles?

53 Where should you wait for help if your car is parked in a potentially dangerous location? Emergency & Challenging Situations - Where should you wait for help if your car is parked in a potentially dangerous location?
54 What should you do if your vehicle does not stop with normal pressure on the brake in case of power system failure?

55 What should you do if your brake fails and the wheels are not turned?

56 How can you detect an air leak in the wheel?

57 What happens when the front tire of a vehicle is flat?

58 What happens to the vehicle if the rear tire is flat?

59 What should you do if your tire goes flat while you are driving?

60 How do you make sure the vehicle goes on a straight course when your tire goes flat while driving?

61 When should you apply the brake in case the car has a flat tire?

62 Where should you park your car with a flat tire after it has stopped?

63 What is the best course of action if both your headlights fail?

64 Is it safe to drive with one headlight?

65 What can cause a vehicle to skid?

66 To regain control of your vehicle after a skid, you must look and steer in the direction you want to go:

67 What are some of the reasons a car skids?

68 How can you reduce the chance of your car skidding?

69 What is the most important thing to do when you start to skid?

70 What sort of steering adjustments should you make when your car is skidding? Emergency & Challenging Situations - What sort of steering adjustments should you make when your car is skidding?
71 What will happen to your vehicle during a skid if it does not have an ABS system?

72 What should you do when a braking skid occurs in a non-ABS vehicle?

73 How can overcorrecting the steering during a skid be dangerous?

74 How should you return to the road if you drive off the paved portion of the roadway? Emergency & Challenging Situations - How should you return to the road if you drive off the paved portion of the roadway?
75 What must you do when you drive off the paved portion of the roadway?

76 Where can road maintenance and construction vehicles be used or parked on the road?

77 What traffic rules should you follow if there is a construction or road maintenance vehicle parked on the road?

78 How are oncoming vehicles notified that there is a lane reduction, lane closure, or workers ahead?

79 What speed limit should a motorist observe in a construction zone?

80 When workers are present, the fines for speeding in the area are:

81 What should you do when a police officer is behind you with flashing emergency lights?

82 What is the safe way to give space to an emergency vehicle on a two-way roadway? Emergency & Challenging Situations - What is the safe way to give space to an emergency vehicle on a two-way roadway?
83 What is the safe way to give space to an emergency vehicle on a one-way roadway?

84 How much space should you keep for a police vehicle to stop safely behind your vehicle?

85 If a police officer stops you and you have put your vehicle in neutral or park gear, what should you do?

86 How should you react when a police car stops your vehicle?

87 When should you move your vehicle after being stopped by a police officer?

88 What does the ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) do?

89 On which wheel does ABS apply brake pressure?

90 How should you apply the brake in an emergency?

91 What happens in vehicles without an ABS?

92 What should you do in a situation where your wheels lock?

93 What is threshold braking?

94 When emergency braking, in which direction should you look and steer?